Monday, April 27, 2009

Fact or Fiction, Does eating breakfast really help you lose weight?

Is all the hype about eating breakfast really true? The answer is yes, but specifically a Low-Glycemic breakfast (Low-Glycemic meaning it has a minimal effect on blood sugar levels and has a glycemic index of 55 or less). An article posted in Medpage Today explained the results of a study conducted showing how a low-glycemic index breakfast enhanced the fat burning effects of moderate exercise in sedentary women. It showed that fat oxidation increased significantly during a 60-minute walk when the women consumed low glycemic-index carbohydrates for breakfast.

Some low-glycemic breakfast ideas would be:

museli, apple juice, an apple, canned peaches, skim milk and yogurt (breakfast used in study)

egg white omelet with spinach, mushrooms, and feta

All Bran cereal with a banana

Whole wheat - high fiber toast with peanut butter and blueberries with skim milk

This article can be found at:

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