Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New study for heart failure patients

Each year in the US, 400,000 people are diagnosed with heart failure. The combination of CoQ10 and Pycnogenol® is an effective, natural solution for patients who suffer from heart failure. Although the results of heart failure cannot be reversed, the natural alternative can help people manage this condition.

Research has shown that Coenzyme Q10 has the ability to strengthen the heart muscles, and Pycnogenol® can help strengthen the heart chamber walls and dilates arteries. A recent study showed improvement in blood flow and general heart health in patients with heart failure with a combination of Coenzyme Q10 and the branded pine bark extract Pycnogenol®.

The study involved heart failure patients between the ages of 54 and 68. The group was randomly assigned the combination of Pycnogenol® (pine bark)/ Coenzyme Q10 or a placebo. The results showed a greater decrease in blood pressure in the Pycnogenol®/ Coenzyme Q10 group than the placebo. The study also showed an increase in the amount of blood pumped by the heart.

With ever increasing healthcare costs, patients and doctors are seeking natural alternatives to improve health. A Pycnogenol / Coenzyme Q10 combination offers a promising alternative to heart failure patients without the side effects of traditional medications.

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